Me fascina la fuerza y la emoción de esta canción así como la constatación de que poco importa la nobleza de los motivos por los que se va a una guerra: la derrota, la muerte y la catástrofe para el país siempre son un resultado más que probable.
Ten years before I saw the light of morning
A comradeship of heroes was laid
From every corner of the world came sailing
The Fifth International Brigade
They came to stand beside the Spanish people
To try and stem the rising fascist tide
Franco's allies were the powerful and wealthy
Frank Ryan's men came from the other side
Even the olives were bleeding
As the battle for Madrid it thundered on
Truth and love against the force of evil
Brotherhood against the fascist clan
Viva la Quinta Brigada
"No Pasarán", the pledge that made them fight
"Adelante" is the cry around the hillside
Let us all remember them tonight
Bob Hilliard was a Church of Ireland pastor
Form Killarney across the Pyrenees he came
From Derry came a brave young Christian Brother
Side by side they fought and died in Spain
Tommy Woods age seventeen died in Cordoba
With Na Fianna he learned to hold his gun
From Dublin to the Villa del Rio
Where he fought and died beneath the blazing sun
Many Irishmen heard the call of Franco
Joined Hitler and Mussolini too
Propaganda from the pulpit and newspapers
Helped O'Duffy to enlist his crew
The word came from Maynooth, "support the Nazis"
The men of cloth failed again
When the Bishops blessed the Blueshirts in Dun Laoghaire
As they sailed beneath the swastika to Spain
This song is a tribute to Frank Ryan
Kit Conway and Dinny Coady too
Peter Daly, Charlie Regan and Hugh Bonar
Though many died I can but name a few
Danny Boyle, Blaser-Brown and Charlie Donnelly
Liam Tumilson and Jim Straney from the Falls
Jack Nalty, Tommy Patton and Frank Conroy
Jim Foley, Tony Fox and Dick O'Neill
Lunes triste
20 hours ago
Sí. Tienes toda la razón. Emociona y duele a partes iguales.Sea cual sea el resultado, toda guerra es un fracaso. El fracaso del entendimiento.
Miguel Hernandez luchó en esa misma guerra y escribió este poema:
Tristes guerras
si no es amor la empresa.
Tristes, tristes.
Tristes armas
si no son las palabras.
Tristes, tristes.
Tristes hombres
si no mueren de amores.
Tristes, tristes.
"Cancionero y romancero de ausencias"
¡Si lo sabría él!
Gracias por recordarme mi eterna deuda con la poesía. Creo que lograrás reeducarme al respecto ;)
Seguramente el mayor peligro es que muchos de los que vivimos hoy en día podemos olvidar hasta qué punto ese "fracaso del entendimiento" ha sido increíblemente frecuente y trágico hace no tanto tiempo. Estoy en modo "historiador circunspecto", como puedes ver...
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